Fashion's Up

Current inspiration

Posted in Uncategorized by maddaATU on October 1, 2011

I am really sorry for not posting anything lately but I’ve been very busy with school and stuff. So, for today I will post some inspiration and things I like . And here we go:)

The hippies

And when say hippies and hippie style I mean the real and the original one. Not the fake things you see nowadays. It really annoys me to see girls wearing a colourful dress and a peace sign and instantly call themselves hippies. That is just wrong.


Eva Green

The first time I saw Eva Green was in The Dreamers and she was just absolutely stunning. I like her more naturely and not the goth style and so on.

Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg are one of my favourite couples ever and Jane is truly a great fashion inspiration and her style is unique.